vounterring in the Mountains
We spent a couple days in San Jose getting some supplies but mostly just killin time. Met many cool peeps and went out a bit. A marriachi band come to the hostl...l
Dani and his beautiful wife and child came to Tranquillo and picked us up. Brought us up to there Mountain spot where we are gonna chill and help out for a lil while.
This place is amazing! The house we are helping build is ausome and it has a rediculous river running behind it. Last night was the first night spent out there. Many more to come.
Apparantly this guy down the streat knows all these famous peeple from Colorado and there are a bunch of pro snowboarders and STring Cheese in the country and there coj...+ning for a yitter party in like 2 weeks.
Tilled some soil and went swimming in the river today. Gonna go grub
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