Saturday, March 26, 2005

San Jose has awoken from Semana Santa but it was still pretty sleepy today. We went to the dirty downtown to get some cheep things. Got some socks, which felt orgasmic when used in conjunction with my sneeks after wearing a pair of 2 dollar flip flops form the super market for like a week and a half. Wore them paper thin in the heel.

Lotta people hate on San Jose becuase of all the hustle and bustle but i dig it and think that what a Central American city is all about. peeople street vending and motorcylces and taxis trying to hit you. Its smelly and loud and vibrant with life.

Got a howie plaid shirt at a thirft shop and Aaron got a pair of skate shoes for like 15 bucks. Hes totally wooked out at this point. Semi dreadies, three quarter length pants hung real low and no shirt. Actually he picked up a tank top today.

Picked up a couple of female travel buddies to head to Monteverde with us. Gotta leave for bus pretty soon.


Blogger Unknown said...

yall better be taking pictures.

2:37 PM


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